Rubes is the best big sister and seems to have rounded the corner from the really challenging behaviour we were having in the past few months. Several times I've come up to get her out of quiet time and she's cleaned her whole room and pulled the covers up on her bed and she says, "Mommy, I cleaned my room for you to make you happy." Oh things like that just make me want to cry it's so sweet. She'll also clean the living room for me now and she does a great job! Her newest discovery is that she can zip her jackets/sweaters up all by herself now. She was over the moon the first time she did it. It was so fun sitting down with her after school on Valentine's Day and having her show me all of the Valentines she got. She read who each one was from one and got them all right! She amazes me sometimes. Love that girl!
Rubes can always get a giggle from Charlie.
Stinker and stinkette.