Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Charlotte - Week 4

Wow, I can't believe Charlotte is one month old already!! She is growing so fast and changing every day. Gamma has noticed a big difference in just the 3 days she's been here. In the past couple of days, Charlie has been trying really hard to smile. You can tell that any day she's going to break out into a huge grin but for now we're getting sweet little smirks. She is such a sweet spirited baby.

This week, Charlotte went to a baby shower, met her Gamma, went to a concert downtown and had her 2nd trip to the beach. We've been busy! Charlotte loves getting baths, being held and pooping her pants. Not necessarily in that order. She's also a big fan of Gamma walking her around while singing "This Old Man".

Ruby is doing so great as a big sister. She loves Charlotte to bits and calls her "sweetie-pumpkin" and "stinky-butt" and loves to give her kisses and hugs. She's a great helper with changing diapers and is always ready with a wipe and diaper cream. We still have our challenging moments but it's overall much, much better!

We are so happy to have Gamma here and already don't know what we're going to do when she leaves. It's been such a big help. We're looking forward to J-A and Mae arriving next Monday!

Gamma meets Charlotte.

Gamma and her girls.

She did this to herself. I swear.

So happy together...

Rubes and Chris. She was at the beach for a whole 3 minutes before her bottoms came off.

Sacked out on beach trip #2!

Are you my Gamma?

She's excited for Halloween AND Christmas!

Never a dull moment in the Vogt household. Maybe we shouldn't ask Gamma to babysit...

I kind of caught a smile on camera.

Ruby loves giving Charlie kisses and hugs.

1 comment:

JAN said...

Oh these pictures put a smile on my face. I can't imagine a more delightful way to pass a day than napping on the beach. And the pictures of Ruby in the costume and Gamma with the pot made me laugh out loud. Literally.

Glad to see the Vogt girls are doing so well!