Thursday, November 25, 2010

Charlotte - Week 10

Happy (US) Thanksgiving everyone! Well it's official. Charlie is HUGE! She's seemed to have grown so much just in this past week. She's fitting comfortably into 3-6 month clothes now and every day I'm moving onesies from the "just right" pile to the "too small" pile. She's a healthy girl, that's for sure! She's also very strong. She wants to be standing most of the time on her chubby little legs. She's smiling and talking a whole lot more now and unlike Ruby at this age, she'll smile at most everyone. She has the cutest little dimples and I love it when you can see a huge smile coming through her eyes first. She also makes sweet cooing noises when I'm not looking at her to get my attention and then is so proud of herself when I do look at her.

Charlotte continues to be on a schedule of eating every 3 hours with a longer stretch at night. She's still up once a night but I'm hoping she'll soon be giving me at least 6 hours, I'm TIRED. :) We're still walking her around to get her to sleep for her naps and then she usually naps in the swing or the car seat. I'm planning on working on having her put herself to sleep in her own crib in the next few weeks but am dreading the "cry it out" period. I know that eventually I'll be so happy I did it and she'll be happy too but it's always a hard couple of days.

Doug's dad (Pop Pop) is here visiting and we've enjoyed having him around. Ruby really warmed up to him and it's nice to have the extra set of hands.

In the essence of Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a moment to tell you what I am thankful for:
I'm thankful for two healthy, beautiful girls that melt my heart every day;
I'm thankful for the most wonderful husband in the world who loves me unconditionally and works so hard to provide for us so I am able to stay home with our girls;
I'm thankful for the closeness I have with my sisters and brother and how when things get tough, our bond gets tighter;
I'm thankful to live in such a wonderful area and to have made some amazing life-long friends in just the few years we've been here;
I'm thankful for DVR so I can have "Aha moments" with Oprah during the middle-of-the-night feedings. :)

Gobble, Gobble.

Pop Pop with granddaughters #9 & #10!

Making gingersnap cookies with Rubes. It's hard to believe there was enough batter left to make cookies!

Swaddled snuggliness.

Uncle Tommy came to visit!

Do you think she's getting enough to eat? :)

Standing up!

We had a photo shoot with my friend that did our maternity photos, here are some of my favorites:

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