Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Charlotte - Week 19

Charlie had her 4 month appointment this week and she's doing great! She's 13lbs, 2oz and almost 26 inches long. That puts her in the 50th percentile for weight and the 95th for height! She's our tall girl. The pediatrician told me that she was trouble since she was trying to roll and scooch herself off the table to hold time. She's so strong, she's almost rolling over from her back to her stomach all by herself now. I know she'll be doing it any day. She's just so much fun and is constantly screeching happily and talking to herself or her toys or us.

We have an exciting day tomorrow, Ruby goes to the dentist for the very first time and then Grandpa and Gretta are flying in! Ruby is actually very excited about the dentist and can't wait to go. It helped that the last time Pop Pop was here, he took out his false teeth and showed Ruby and told her that's what would happen if she didn't brush her teeth. She's been letting me brush her teeth like an angel ever since.

Happy, happy girl!

Our favorite goofball.

Having so much fun on the fire truck!

Football does this to me too. And church.

So happy to have a bare bum!
Sorry Charlie, just had to do it!

Oh stop it mom, you're making me blush!

Daddy trying to get Charlotte to roll over.

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