Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Charlotte - Week 31

Sweet Charlie is growing so fast! She just feels heavier every day...slow down sweet girl! Charlotte loves eating solid food and is eating 3 times a day now. She also loves gumming little bits of soft bread, teething biscuits and bananas. She would love it if she could eat everything we do. She doesn't have any teeth yet but I have a feeling she's starting to teethe, she was pulling her ears and whining tonight. Hopefully it won't be too hard on her.

Charlotte continues to be a spunky ray of sunshine. She is so happy and smiley but, whoa, a tad bit of a temper to round out her personality. Doug and I always thought she'd be the laid back one but I have a feeling she'll give Ruby a run for her money. One of Charlotte's (and Ruby's) favorite things to do right now is chasing Ruby. Ruby gets a head start and Mommy or Daddy runs holding Charlotte until we catch Ruby. Oh the giggles from both girls are contagious. :)

Ruby's writing skills have grown tremendously in the past couple of weeks, she's doing so great and just loves to learn. She is so extremely independent (shocker) and can really do just about everything herself. We struggle most days with who's the boss of the house but I do so love her personality and her caring heart. I especially love it when she says out of the blue, "Mom, you know I love you of all the world. To the moon and the stars and Toronto." Ah, my heart. She also has the Easter story down. I asked her if she learned anything in school about Easter and Jesus and she said, "No, not really. Oh yeah! Some mean guys poked Jesus and killed her and then she came back to life." Hmmm. Yup, that's about right!

Happy Easter everyone! xoxo

Charming Charlie

At least some one's getting some use out of my sexy (dusty) high heels!

My attempt at making veggies fun. It failed miserably.

Can you make out "Julia", "Charlie" and "Doug"?

One proud mom!!

WWE Smack down - Vogt girl style.

Haha!! She reminds me of a baby orangutan here!!

Daddy and his mini-me.

Easter egg dying! So fun!

Mmmm, green beans!

You should hear the noise behind this face. Pure joy!

Rubes loves to feed Charlie. She does a great job!

1 comment:

JAN said...

Oh your girls are lovely. Your description of Charlotte reminds me oh so much of Vivian. I can't wait for them to meet!