Saturday, September 17, 2011

Charlie is ONE!!

Now before I get started on my last regular blog post of Charlie's first year, let me say this, "*SIGH*."  OK, I'm ready.  I've been putting off this post a little bit because of how unexpectedly emotional I've been about my baby turning one.  Don't get me wrong, I love the little person she's turned out the be and you can be dang sure that I don't miss the all-nighters from the newborn stage but this is my last baby, turning one, this is major stuff! :)

Man, do I love this kid.  For the first 6 months or so, Doug and I thought she was going to be our laid back baby, the easy going one, the breather after the *ahem* challenging but oh-so-delightful and smart one.  Well, then Charlie decided she wanted to have a personality of her own.  And we couldn't imagine anything better.  She is feisty, she knows what she wants, she's smart, she's determined, she's loving and she's a little bit loco (in the best kind of way)!  Charlie is pretty possessive of my arms and lap and if Ruby is sitting on me, she'll come over and try to push her off/claw her eyes out/bite her in no particular order. But then a few minutes later they'll be kissing and playing babies.  I guess that's "sisterly love".  Ruby is soooo great with her and often calls her "sweetie".  They are starting to play together more and more and it's my all time favorite thing to watch.  Charlie just soaks in everything Ruby does and then imitates her.  Watching them both push their strollers with babies in them around the living room is so cute.

Charlie is a pretty coordinated and athletic baby, she runs around now at full speed and actually jumps in the air and lands back down on her feet.  Her favorite new hobby is twirling around in circles until she gets dizzy and falls down, we're hoping that phase goes by quickly!  Charlie loves bath time, wagon rides, doggies, ice cream, her big sister and of course, buddy.  Buddy makes everything right in the world.  Note to self: get a back-up buddy!  Charlie's all-time favorite thing to do is read books.  First thing she does every morning when we take her downstairs is go right to the book basket and pulls out a book and brings it to us to read.  She looks at books all throughout the day, I love it!

This past year seems like it went by both really fast and really slow at the same time.  I feel so blessed that I now have 2 beautiful, smart, funny, happy daughters and one really amazing husband. Life is good.  

For Charlie from Mommy:
This year has been wonderful, this year has been fun;
It seemed like I turned around and then you were one;
I know you'll grow up and I'll lose my charms;
But please don't get too big to fit in my arms.

Your heart is tender and your will is strong;
Don't let anyone change you or tell you it's wrong;
I love you, you're perfect, just as you are;
I just know in the future, you'll  reach for a star.

So good-bye to weeks 1 through 52;
It's hard to believe you were once so new;
I promise to love you the best that I can;
I've promised you this since your tiny life began.

Team work!

The life of a lounge singer can be exhausting.

Pushing her beloved "Buddy" around in the stroller.

Oh no.  Don't tell me I have ANOTHER crazy-haired girl!!

Yes, I believe I do.

Well hello there, pretty girl! Like your piggy tail!

Hehe!  Just another typical, serious morning.

Girl talk and babies.

Oh, hey Mom!

And then there's our non-silly one.

Yup, this is how they roll.

Playing Simon Says with Pop Pop.

This is the look I got when she discovered that I only gave her the camera CASE to play with.

Rubes explaining the Caillou episode to Pop Pop.

Charlie's preferred cake-eating method.

Mmmm, me like-y!

Giggles all around.

That was fun!

Sugar high setting in.

Sugar high well established.

Infectious sugar high.

What, no more cake?
It still amazes me that Charlie went from this... this... this, all in one year!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Charlotte - Weeks 50 & 51

We had a great couple of weeks!  Our fun, spunky Ruby turned 4, how time flies!!  Ruby's birthday was on a Wednesday so she enjoyed an extended celebration with cupcakes at school and mini-golf with Mommy and Daddy on her actual birthday and a fun-filled party at The Purple Slide with 10 other little friends on Saturday.  Her favorite thing was checking the mail every day on her birthday week - so exciting!  Ruby says she's most excited about growing up so she can use a sharp knife.  Somehow, I am not surprised.

Charlie is a handful - phew, I'm getting tired just thinking about her. :)  She is FULL of energy and is now running around at full speed and is near impossible to get a diaper on.  She loves to be naked and will run away from us shrieking when she sees us coming with her diaper and pjs after a bath.  It's pretty cute but then comes down to a game of wills when it's time to finally get dressed.  She definitely puts up a good fight, she does this Houdini-like combination of thrashing and shrieking and dead weight.  This kid is strong.

I can see Charlie's top right front tooth starting to push through but she doesn't let me look very often.  I usually have to hold her upside down and make her laugh to get a quick look.  Charlie loves, loves, loves animals.  She carries around various stuffed animals and will stop mid-walk and squeeze them really tight and drop to the floor and hug them really tight and say "ahhhh", it's so cute!  She also gives great hugs and kisses to us, if I haven't seen her in a few hours, she comes right over and gives me a big hug and turns my face so she can kiss me - such a love bug!  She's as equally loving as she is hot-tempered.  I never knew an 11-month old could throw such powerful temper tantrums. She wants to do everything that Ruby does so she gets frustrated if she can't or if I won't let her have something that Ruby has or if anyone takes anything away from her - watch out!  She collapses into a heap and puts her face right on the floor and screams.  She's a spit-fire, that one!  A lot of times Doug, Ruby and I just look at each other when she has her tantrums and Ruby says, "Loco"! 

Charlie is pointing at everything now and saying "dat?"  She's also trying really hard to copy what we say.  She loves walking outside and seeing the little lizards running around.  She actually said "lizard" pretty good today!  I don't have very many pictures of Charlie smiling because as soon as I get the camera out, she wants to play with it and screams and cries until I give it to her or put it away.  So you can take my word for it that she's a pretty smiley, social baby!  I can't believe she's going to be one in 2 short weeks!

I want the camera!!
Being a big girl, just like big sister.
The Birthday Girl!
Ruby and her teacher, Ms. Teresa.

The Purple Slide!
Home-made banner made with love by Mommy and Daddy.
Ruby did NOT like everyone looking at her when they sang "Happy Birthday."
Make a wish!

Charlie and her much adored kitty.

Welcome to Barbie world.

Oh yes, our neighbors graced Ruby with a piano, with a microphone for her b-day. (Check out the video at the end of this post.)

This is what a face plant on asphalt looks like.  :(

Mornings with Charlie.

Sweet girl.

Science experiment.  Water + Oil + food colouring + alka seltzer = COOL!


She's got some moves!

She's got a rough life.

Can't you just see the glint of mischief?
In a dress for Ruby's b-day.  Not too happy about it!

Mini-golf, Ruby's request for her b-day.

Balloon artist made Ruby a monkey in a tree, pretty cool!

Charlie got a happy shark.
Hello Kitty outfit from Aunt Jayne.

When Ruby's brushing her teeth, Charlie MUST have a tooth brush too!