Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mommy & Ruby Week!

What a great week we had! Miss Priscilla went to Disney World with her family so Mommy took Wednesday, Thursday & Friday off of work and spent some wonderful quality time with Rubes. We had a blast! Daddy went to Pittsburgh with Uncle Dave and Pop Pop to watch the Steelers/Giants game for the weekend while Mommy and Ruby did lots of fun activities.

Ruby learned that dirt doesn't taste so great but we had to get just one picture before we cleaned her up! Yummy - it's protein right? Bet she won't do that again!

Ruby got all dressed up in her pretty dress she got from Aunt Jayne for her birthday because she was having a play date at her house on Friday. She had lots of fun with Maddie, Lily and Griffin. Ruby's a little shy when she's around a bunch of kids but she started to warm up as long as Mommy was close by.

Ruby and her little friend Maddie deep in conversation. I think they were talking about the latest Barney episode. "Can you believe PJ wouldn't clean up his toys? Boy, that wasn't very nice. Good thing Barney was there to teach him that cleaning up can be fun!" Haha, yeah right.

On Saturday, Mommy took Ruby to the Imagine It Children's Museum in downtown Atlanta. They went with Auntie Beth, Sam and Lexi. They had lots of fun!

Ruby loved painting but also learned that she didn't like the taste of paint. Guess you gotta try to know!

Mommy and Daddy's neighbors, Mandy & Brian had Mommy and Ruby over for dinner Saturday and Sunday night when Daddy was gone. Mommy was SO grateful for the WONDERFUL food and some playtime for Ruby. When ruby wasn't pulling Ian's hair or biting him, they had a great time! Ruby loved getting in their doggy Bella's crate and Ian thought it was funny to pet her, pretending she was a doggy. Pretty funny!

Uncle Dave sent Daddy a t-shirt with a picture of Nana on it for his race coming up. We talk about Nana all the time and look at her pictures every day so Ruby wanted to give her a big kiss when she saw her picture on the t-shirt. It was very sweet - we wish Ruby could give Nana a big kiss in real life.

Mommy and Ruby took a trip to the park on Sunday. As usual, Ruby loves that "cah, cah, cah" and "ruck"!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ruby's First Trip to the Library!

We took Ruby to the Library for the very first time over the weekend and she LOVED it!! She loved the little tables and chairs that were just her size, she loved the big rocking chairs and most of all, she loved the books! She insisted on carrying three books around at all times. It was pretty funny watching her dropping one and then bending over and trying to pick it up with two already in her hands. But after a lot of grunting and huffing, she would get it. She didn't quite get the quiet concept, she let out a few squeals because she was so excited, but we didn't get that many dirty looks. :)

We are so happy that the Fall weather is finally here. We actually have been putting the heat on the past couple of nights and have gotten out Ruby's warm one-piece pj's with the feet in them. We played outside a lot this weekend. We went to a Fall Festival on Saturday with lots of local vendors and a big fire truck that Ruby got to sit on. Then on Sunday, Ruby had a birthday party to go to for her friend Lily who turned two, she had a great time!

Daddy and Ruby are best buddies!

Ruby had her first "real" bubble bath a couple of nights ago and all she wanted to do was scoop up the bubbles and EAT them! Maybe that will counter-act the huge handful of dirt she ate earlier.

Ruby is quite a mixture of girly-girl and tom-boy. She LOVES putting on her necklaces and playing with her baby doll but she also loves her "rucks". Although, I'm pretty sure she'd take her "rucks" any day over the necklaces.

Ruby is understanding pretty much all we're saying now - the other day I said "Ruby, go get your cow magnet and put it on the fridge". She went into the living room, picked up the cow magnet, brought it back in the kitchen and put it on the fridge! I can see this becoming useful - "Ruby, go get Mommy a glass of wine - no, not the cab, how about the merlot tonight". Hehe, worth a try? Ruby also knows pretty much all of her body parts, check out the video below.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

It seems strange to be going to work on Thanksgiving, as I have known it, most of my life. Most people in the US, I'm finding, aren't aware that our Thanksgiving is in October. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians. I miss Canada and Canadians in general! I've been thinking over the weekend of all I have to be thankful for and it's overwhelming, we have a wonderful marriage, a beautiful, healthy daughter, a comfortable home, good jobs and amazing families. I love taking the time to actually reflect on the blessings in our life, I realized I don't think about it nearly as often as I should. It's good therapy!

We went to Berry Patch Farms on Saturday to pick out our Pumpkin and we had a great time! Ruby's favorite thing was the big tractor ("ruck!") she got to sit on. She also loved the wagon ride and all the pumpkins. She wanted to sit on every pumpkin she saw, needless to say, we spent a long time looking at pumpkins! We also got homemade ice cream and apples turnovers which were a big hit. The weather has been beautiful!

Ruby is really turning into a little girl, when I look at her pictures now, I can hardly believe how big she looks. She is getting so smart and likes to imitate mommy and daddy. The other day, she got a couple scrubbing brushes out from under the sink and pretended she was sweeping the floor and using a dustpan! We couldn't believe it. She can also now point out her belly (by grabbing two big fistfulls) and also everyone else's belly. She came up to me the other day and pointed at my eye and said clear as day "eye".

Ruby has been biting lately, mostly Mommy. As soon as she does it, she shakes her head "no" and gives me a hug. So she knows it's wrong. I think she may be getting more teeth in and it just feels good. I've been starting to say "NO" firmly and putting her down and walking away and that just about breaks her little heart. She starts sobbing and staggering over to me for me to pick her up again. Phew, this is hard being parents sometimes, knowing the right thing to do!

Check out the video of Litte Miss Chatterbox. She loves to immitate Mommy and Daddy when we talk on our cell phones.

Monday, October 6, 2008


We've had a great week, Ruby is definitely back to her old self after being sick. Ruby just loves to watch Barney. She likes to sit in her rocking chair (passed on to us from Baba and GG Murray) and watch, sometimes she likes baby doll to sit with her. She is on the go ALL the time and is getting really good at walking. Now she can walk over to something (baby, ball, truck, etc), squat down, pick it up, stand back up and keep on walking without falling. She's very careful and hasn't had many accidents at all. We had a fun weekend, our neighborhood had their annual Pig Roast on Saturday and then we went to our favorite indoor playground, Little Bears on Sunday. We think Ruby's going through a growth spurt as she's eating us out of house and home!!! That girl likes to eat! Daddy and Mommy are really looking forward to this Saturday night as they are getting a babysitter and going out - Yeehaw!! Check out the video of Ruby being her usual silly self.