Sunday, July 26, 2009

Where did July go?

Can you believe July is almost over? It just seems impossible to me! Time flies when you're busy and having fun! I'm happy to report that our napping issues have been solved. Ruby now naps on the couch peacefully for 2 1/2 to 3 hours a day. She just would NOT nap in her crib anymore so I've compromised and it works out fine. She sleeps pretty hard so I'm still able to putter around and do what I need to do downstairs and she gets a full nap in. Plus, I must say I love laying there with her cuddling until she falls asleep. Sometimes it takes 15 minutes, sometimes it takes 5. She'll only be little and wanting to cuddle with me for a short time so I'm going to take advantage of it. Ruby is getting very excited for her birthday. She's requested a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse party so that's what she's getting. We're just keeping it very small this year, just a couple neighbors. Nothing like our keg party for her 1st b-day!!! She's getting very good at saying she's going to be two and holding up her two fingers. When we first showed her how to do it a couple weeks ago, she got very frustrated the first couple of times when she couldn't get her fingers to go the right way but she mastered it and now is a pro. Ruby's talking non-stop now. She has taken to saying "Oh my goodness" and I often hear her saying it to her dolls. It makes me laugh every time. It has also made me realize how much I say it. I'm sure a lot of people don't believe me when I tell them how much she talks because when she's out in public and not in a familiar environment, she is very quiet and doesn't talk a lot. I do love the cautious side of her though, I know she'll never willingly go with a stranger! We've been starting potty training the last couple of weeks and it's going really well. When we're at home, she doesn't really have any accidents but when we're out of the house and doing something fun, she doesn't want to take the time to go to the potty. I'm not going to push it though, I'll take what I can get right now! Doug will be traveling for work all next week so it will be just me and Rubes. Anyone want to come visit? :) We're excited for our upcoming trip to NJ the 2nd week in August. We can't wait to see Ruby playing with her cousins. This will be the first time she'll be able to actually run around with them and keep up. For the first time Ruby has started naming her toys. She has a little fairy/mermaid that she's named Bella and a little seahorse she's name Nikko. Not sure where those names came from but we think it's pretty funny she's naming things now. Check out the video of Ruby waiting for Daddy to come home from work. Love to you all from Florida! xoxo
Big girl panties!!!

Trying to hug her buddy Eva. Eva's not too sure she wants to be hugged. Flying Rubester!
First melt down of the day. I wouldn't give her candy for breakfast.
Feeding her dolly goldfish. I love that she's so maternal.
Eating cupcakes with her buddy Chris. This was immediately followed by running around like crazy wild creatures!
Daddy and his Rubes.
Ruby won the wardrobe fight this day. You gotta chose your battles.
These pictures cracks me up.
Acting silly on the couch.
Kisses (and strangles) for Mommy.
Ruby absolutely LOVES our friend's little guy, Alden.
Pool acrobats with Daddy. Doug: "I think she just peed on my head."

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Nap fairy - please visit us!

Hi All! We had a great time with Auntie J-A! Ruby was smitten right away. Anytime J-A went out of her eye sight even for a second Ruby would say "Where did JJ go Momma?" She wanted to get up especially early when J-A was here so she wouldn't miss out on anytime her. :) We miss you already J-A!!

We have had a challenging last couple of weeks to say the least. We're not quite sure what has gotten into Ruby but she decided to go on nap strike. She has been waking up near 5am and refusing to nap all day. She has gone from our sweet little girl to a monster!!! She doesn't seem to be teething so we think maybe she's just trying to test us since she napped for our sitter. I don't want to jinx myself but today was MUCH better. She woke up a little later and napped for almost 2 hours. She seemed to be her sweet self again so nap gods, please, PULEAAAASE may this be the end of our torture!!!

Ruby loves watching the classic Disney Cinderella movie but what cracks me up is that she calls her "Cinderelli" because that's what the mice call her. Too funny! We got a bike seat for Daddy's bike and Ruby enjoys going on bike rides when Daddy gets home from work. She also loves going "put-put" with Daddy. We got her a little club so she can go to the putting green and hit her own balls. Ruby's vocabulary continues to amaze us. She pretty much says everything now. She sings a lot and loves to sing along with her cds in the car. She's learning to sing her address along to a tune which is pretty hilarious.

Ruby continues to be very independent. "I DO IT" is a phase we hear many times a day. She wants to open the car door, climb in, get into her car seat and buckle herself in. Everything takes much longer now but I love watching her learn and grow and be proud of her accomplishments.

Well, wish us luck with the naps this week! Enjoy the pics and the video!

Snuggling with Auntie J-A.

At Playmobil - cool place!
Lining up all the animals in a very straight line - got a little of your mom's Type A Rubes?
Anxiously awaiting her "chocate chip" cookie at Publix.
Trying on her new helmet for the first time.
Away they go!
Loving the water slide at Eva's b-day party.
She especially liked to sit at the top and drink that water.

I'm such a big girl that I insist on picking out my own shoes.

At Bounce U, a very fun bouncy place!
Watching "Cinderelli" with Daddy.
Lounging on the lobster pool toy that she just could NOT leave the store without. Yes, this is part of our living room suite now.

Hesitantly hugging Maggie the Cow after a puppet show at the library.
Trying to put her bathing suit on all by herself.
Finger painting with Daddy.
Talking to her baby.
When I asked her where she was going she told me she was going to the ball to dance with the Prince.
Here's a video from the bouncy place we went to this week. Ruby was a dare devil! She was keeping up with all the big kids on this really steep, scary slide! It was really funny because once she got to the top, she'd just lied down and scoot herself to the edge. She was definitely the smallest one going on this slide!