Monday, January 26, 2009

17 months!

Hi everyone! Ruby turned 17 months old on Saturday and we just can't believe how time flies. We were marveling at how such a helpless infant has turned into this smart, funny, sometimes naughty, curious little girl in such a short amount of time. Ruby is learning new words every day. You usually just have to say it once and she's got it. She likes to say "thumb" now but it sounds more like "umb". She also has "sorry" down and "please" and "thank you" when she's in the mood. She's starting to know her colours too, she especially likes saying "purple" and "blue" with emphasis on the "bl" sound! It's amazing to watch. Ruby loves her babies and her dolly and often carries them around, patting them on the back. Mommy and Ruby went to a "Fancy Nancy" storytime at the bookstore on Saturday, we met two of Ruby's little friends there, Maddie and Lily. All the little girls were dressed up in tu-tus, it was so adorable. Ruby didn't really listen to the story but she had fun looking at other books. Ruby and Mommy have had a cold this past week but the worst seems to be over. Here are some of our favorite pictures from the last couple of weeks.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Super Sleeper!

Gamma left on Saturday and we sure do miss her! We know she's having fun out in California with J-A and Steve though. This week has been great, Ruby is back on a great sleeping schedule - she sleeps from 8pm to 7am and is taking a 2 - 2 1/2 hour nap in the afternoon. This is a much welcomed change to the 5:30am wake-ups and the 1 - 1 1/2 hour naps! We hope this is going to be the norm for a good while now and not just a growth spurt! Ruby is noticeably growing every day though and is starting to get tall. It seems like she's sprouting a new tooth every day too, her molars are coming in quickly. Ruby's found another use for her new grocery cart, she likes to climb in and hang out!

You don't look so comfortable here Rubes!

Just chillin'!

Snuggling with Big Doggy from Auntie El & Uncle B.

Gamma & Ruby!

Having a heart-to-heart.

Reading Ruby's new favorite book, Gossie.

Check out the video, she's immitating pretty much everything now. She now knows what an owl is and what sound it makes thanks to Mommy & Daddy's new Holy Ghost Tent Revival t-shirts! Check them out:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome 2009!

Wow, what a great Holiday season!! We could not be more lucky to have such great family and friends to share it with. Auntie Em was here for 3 weeks, she left last Friday and we're still missing her terribly. Auntie Em and Rubes became best buddies. I don't think Em got to eat a full meal the whole time she was here because wherever there's food, a lurking Rubes is not far behind! Ruby doesn't like to eat food in her high chair that much anymore, she prefers to mooch off other people's plates. Gamma got here on the 23rd and is here until Saturday. Ruby loves waking Gamma up in the morning. She says "knock, knock" to Gamma's bedroom door and then likes to climb up on Gamma's bed and hang out for a while. Ruby is really good at imitating sleeping noises now and likes to tease us sometimes by pretending to be asleep when we need her to do something (i.e. brush her teeth, get out of her car seat). This morning when Daddy went to get her out of her crib, she layed back down and pretended to snore with he eyes squinted almost shut. She's turning into quite the little trickster! Uncle Stephen was here for a few days over Christmas and Ruby loved dancing to his music. She would order him to play and then order the rest of us to dance with her. Whenever Stephen would stop she'd shout for more ("bore"). One of the things Uncle Stephen gave Ruby for Christmas was a kazoo and she's now mastered it. It's so cute to see her skip around the house playing the kazoo! Auntie El and Uncle B came to celebrate New Years with us but were only here for one night because Untie El was pretty sick. They brought Ruby a HUGE stuffed puppy dog and Ruby loves it! We're excited for 2009 and feel it's going to be a great year. Love to you all!

Ruby liked to tease Uncle Stephen and play shy.

Big enough for a pony tail!!

Ruby have you seen your little bouncy ball?

Giving Daddy Christmas kisses.

Giving Gamma kisses!

Ruby wanted to hold her doggy while she painted because the little girl in the picture was holding her doggy. I thought that was pretty cute.

Stephen's littlest fan.

Gamma giving Ruby her first beater to lick (she had to fight me for it!)

Beater AND spatula! She kept saying "mmmmmmm" while she was eating the batter.

Ruby's beautiful stocking that Gamma made.

"Ho, Ho, Ho!"

Wiped out after the Christmas festivities. Opening presents is hard work!

Sleeping Beauty

One of Ruby's favorite pastimes is going shopping in our pantry. She got a shopping cart for Christmas and she loves loading and unloading it with REAL food.

This is one of my favorite pictures! Ruby's trying out her new Zebra toy, check out her cool slippers from Auntie Em!

Thoroughly enjoying her new loot. Talking on her Elmo cell phone, wearing her slippers, in her wagon, holding her Wiggles DVD. Now that's the life!

Awesome rain jacket and boots from Grandpa!