Charlotte is growing in leaps and bounds, she gets noticeably heavier every day and her cheeks and chin(s) are getting deliciously plump. We're getting more smiles every day but she still makes us work for them. I usually get the most in the middle of the night feedings. I'm still up twice a night nursing but the first stretch is usually long enough for me to get a good chunk of sleep. She's still a pretty chill baby but starting about 5 days ago she gets really fussy and gassy around 5pm until 8pm and we have to carry her around for those 3 hours. What seems to work the best is walking the neighborhood. It's been challenging with Ruby's bedtime routine but we've just had to work in shifts. :)
Charlotte likes sucking her thumb but has a really hard time getting it successfully into her mouth. Sometimes I give her a little help and it seems to soothe her more than a pacifier.
We've had a fun week leading up to Halloween. Ruby's school put on a Fall Festival which was a lot of fun, there was a pumpkin patch, a train ride, lots of games and prizes and best of all, the kids from the preschool got to sing the parents the two songs they had been practicing. So cute! Yesterday, we went to a "Trunk or Treat" at a local preschool where a bunch of teachers and parents opened the trunks of their cars and decorated them and gave out candy. Tomorrow is Ruby's Halloween party at school, Saturday is our neighborhood party and then finally Sunday is Halloween. PHEW!!!
Ruby is amazing us with how well she's learning her letters. Just in the past month she's really learning in leaps and bounds. She now knows all of her letters, what sound they make and then can rattle off words that start with each letter. It's so awesome to watch her get so excited about learning. Although, it can take FOREVER to read a bedtime story now because she has to point out all the letters on each page. She has her stuffed Piglet in her back pack ready to take to school tomorrow morning for show and tell for the letter "P".
I'm hoping to start getting Charlotte on some sort of wake/nap routine in the next couple of weeks. It will be challenging with always being on the go with Rubes but we'll make it work. Happy Halloween everyone, have a spooktacular weekend! xoxo
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